You will soon find the best service provider in your region from CHF 0.-.
Free support as a private person (private partner):
Do you want to do something good while gaining new experience and getting to know people in your region? Register now and become part of the next2me movement !:
Paid service as a company (business partner):
Want more orders? Without expensive advertising costs, orders can land in your region at your company. Register it now!
The service portal for friendship services and professional services, in (almost) all areas.We want to promote mutual support for simpler issues. True to the motto: if you support one, soon another will support you! We offer a platform to connect you with the right people in your region. No matter whether you need help or like to offer other help.And if a request requires special knowledge, tools or other tools, we also offer professional services from certified companies from a single source. Quality is our first priority! Our mission is therefore to find, qualify, catalog and publish the cheapest companies at the right moment.